Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sep to nov 19 new vocab

Le samu = paramedics
A repondu = responded
Tout de suite= right away
Obtenu= got/obtained
La greve= the strike
Pompiers= firefighters
Presses= in a rush
Tourne = turned
Tot= early
Pas du tout = not at all
Verifions = check
Pneus = tyres
Moteur = engine
Chimie = chemistry
A peur de = am scared of
Concu= designed
Attient= hit/reach
Rentreront = will go back
Remis= put back
ratee = ruined
Cafetiere= coffeemaker
Champignons= mushrooms
Dinde= turkey
Peau= skin
Allumon= are turning on/switch on
Allume= turn on
Toute seule = by yourself?
As besoin de = need
Four = oven
Faire le menage = clean
On doit = we have to
Tout neuf= brand new
Peindre = paint
Disponible = available
Tiroir= drawer
Le public= the audience
Est parti= has left
Scene = stage
Chefs table
Souvenir = remember
Je me souviens = i rmb
Siffler= whistle/hiss
Graisse= grease
Crepiter= crackle
Crepitement= crackling
Cahier= notebook
Quel plaisir! What a pleasure!
Pepiements d'oiseaux = birds chirping
Ramasser= pick/gather/collect
Egalement= also/equally/as well
Fraicheur = freshness
Navet= turnip
Frappant = striking
Racine = root
Soupir = sigh/breath/gasp
Dingue = crazy
Fou= crazy
Tresor = treasure
Rire= laugh
Potager= vegetable
Facon= way/method
Terroir= soil
Sableux = sandy soils
Argileux= clay
Parvenir = achieve
Positionner= put
Essayer = try
Recolter= harvest
Ciseler= chisel
Surtout = especially
Disponible = available
Journey to greenland
Regardez devant = look ahead
Empetrer = entangled
Paysage = landscape/scenery
Avouer = admit/confess
Reconnu (from reconnaitre) = recognize
Sejour = stay/vacation
Planquer= stash
Etonner = amazing
Soulager = relieve
Tire = pulls
Faineant = slacker
Renouer = reconnect
Propice = conducive
Assurance = insurance
Assouvir = satisfy
Nov 2019
Je voudrais un taxi
Embeter= annoy/bother/pester
Prochain= next
Commander= order
Chauffer= heat up
Colocataire= roommate
Range = tidies
Hier soir= last night
J'ai vu =i saw
Sentons= are feeling
Entendu= hear
Casse= break
Vole= stolen
Pleurer= to cry
Royaume-uni = uk
En haut = upstairs
Entends= hear
Doute= doubts
Appartiennent a = belong to
Randonnee = hiking
Batterie= drums
Atteindre= to reach
Toit= roof
Agir= to act/take action
Compter= count
Fiers de= proud of
Etre fier de = to be proud of
Fier de soi= to be proud of urself, smug

Mar to aug 19 new vocab!

Creme epaisse = heavy cream
Pain grille = toast
Cafetiere= coffee machine
La dinde = the turkey
Est au coin = on the corner
Crevettes = shrimp
Agneau = lamb
Moules = mussels
Ai remis = put back
L'etagere= the shelf
Souhaitee= desired
Rechercher = search
Cochez = check
Garder = keep
A la maitriser = to master it
Couramment = fluently
Moyen = way/means
A vos envies= to your desires
Marge de progression = room for improvement
Porquoi pas = why not
Envie = desire
Surtout = especially
Chou = cabbage
Champignon = mushroom
Peche = fishing
Roti = roast
Cuite = cooked
Saignant = rare (meat)
A point = medium rare
Bien cuit = well done
Vaisseaux = ship/vessels
A propos = about
Voyages dans le temps= time travel
Meconnue = unknown
Etroit = narrow
Englobant = including
Disponible= available
Marant = funny
Cela ne fait rien = it doesnt matter
Cela m'est egal= i dont care
Meme = same
Moin que = less than/minus
Occupe = occupied/busy
Raisonnable = reasonable
Semblable = similar
Se debrouiller = to manage/to cope
Discuter = to discuss
Melanger = to mix
Paraitre = to appear/seem
Remettre = to put back
Saisir = to seize
Se souvenir = to rmb
Hasard= chance
Risquer = to be likely to
Desordonne = untidy
Inquiet = anxious
S inquieter = to worry
Luxueux = luxurious
Merveilleux = wonderful
Mince = slim
Satisfaisant = satisfactory
Lavabo = washbasin
Lave-vaisselle = dishwasher
Machine a laver = washing machine
Chermin de fer = railway
Faire le plein = to fill up (petrol)
Pneu = tyre
Ruisseau = stream
Randonnee = walk/hike
Estomac = stomach
Avaler = to swallow
Blessure= wound/injury
Cheville= ankle
Coude = elbow
Enfle = swollen
Feux d'artifice = fireworks
Telecharger= to download
Enceinte = pregnant
Poser sa candidature = to apply for a job
Bouger = move
Eg faire bouger les chose = make things happen
Nes pas bouger = keep still
Guerir = heal
Eg la mission principle d'un medicine est de guerir les gens - a doctors main task is to cure pple
Colle = glue
Il y a quelqu'un? = anyone here?
Etonner = surprise/amaze/astonish
Eg le scientifique a trouve les resultats de l'experience etonnants- the scientists found the results of the experiment suprising
Etrange= curious
Dure = last/ persist
Eg ma toux a dure plus d'une semaine = my cough persisted for more than a week
La presentation devrait durer une demi heure= the presentation shld last half an hr
Avaler = swallow
Difficulte a avaler = difficulty in swallowing
Epater = impressed
Assurer = to insure
Faire assurer = to have insured
Emmenager = to move in
Train a grande vitesse = high speed train
Entretien= interview
Diriger= direct
Epreuve = test
Eg l'etudiant a passe l'epreuve et a obtenu un bon resultant = the student took the exam and got a good result
Basin = pool/pond
Eg je prefere nager dans le grand basin = i prefer swimming in the big piol
Brochette de boeuf= beef kebab
Congeles= freeze
Les restes = the leftovers
Rechauffeur = reheat
Aigre = sour
Tranches = slice
Yaourt = yoghurt

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb 2019 1st half new vocab!

J'ai appris - i learned (apprendre in passe compose)
Renseigner - to enquire
A cheval sur - to be a stickler for
Preuve - evidence
Jeu- game
Une riviere/un fleuve = a river
Tellement= so much
Grace a = thanks to
Grace a dieu = thank God
Grace a son intervention= thanks to his intervention
A cause de = its because of (negative or neutral connotation)
Jai vecu= i had
Mise a part = apart
Oeuvres= works
Aucune = any
Deprime = depressed
Collines= hills
Riant = laughing
Baignent = bathe
Mouton = sheep
Pratique = convenient
Cache- cache = hide and seek
Cachent = hide
Rassembler = to collect
Ensoleile = sunny
L'abri du soleil = cool off from the sun
Alentours = surroundings
Le bien commune = the common good
Detienne= to hold (from detenir)
La nouvelle legislation = the new law
Remportent = win
Je suis rassasie = i am full
Rassasier = to satisfy
Je n'en peux plus = i cant eat anymore/i cant take it anymore
Ventre/estomac = stomach
J'ai deja trop mange = ive already eaten too much
It fait doux dehors = it is warm/mild outside
Un deca = a decaffeinated coffee
Ca se voit = thats obvious
Je ne pourrai jamais boire de cafe a minit = i will never be able to drink coffee at midnight
Je ne pourrai jamais dormir= i will never be able to sleep
Se disputer = to argue
Arrete = stop
Eternue = sneezes
A traverse les ages= through the ages
Sous toutes ses formes= in all its shapes and forms
Histoire= story
A cheval sur = a stickler for
Faire le total =add up the total
Cerveau = brain
A repondu au telephone = answered the telephone
Demenager = to move
Ca m'est egal = its all the same to me/i dont care
Ne t'en fais pas= not to worry/dont worry
Ca vaut le coup = its worth it
Autour = around
Partout = all over
J'ai su plasir = i have fun
Decouvre= discover
Bruit = sound
Vague= waves
Chatouille = tickles
Endroit = place/location/ spot
Eg nous avons trouve un bel endroit ombrage pour notre pique-nique = we found a nice shady spot for our picnic
Ombrage = shady
J'aime lire dans un endroit calme = i like to read in a quiet place
Chouette= fun/neat/super
Sable = sand
Suivre = to follow
Eg mon chien me suit partout = my dog follows me everywhere
Coquille = shell
Parvenir = achieve/reach
Parvenir a = reach/attain sth
Flaque = puddle/pool
Laisser = leave/let/allow
Eg j'ai laisse un mot sur la table pour lui dire ou j'etais = i left a note on the table to tell him where i was
Rempli = filled/fulfilled
Hippocampes = seahorses
Oursin = sea urchin
Chateau de sable = sandcastle
La maree= the tide
Paraitre= to seem/ to appear
Foi = faith
Perroquet = parrot
Fil = wire
Facon = way
Eg facon de travailler = way of working
Il y a plusiere facons de faire fortune = there are several ways to make a fortune
Je te le promets = i promise you
Plus vite = faster
A l'etranger = abroad
Partir= start/depart
Requis = required/ compulsory
Suffisamment = sufficiently
Eloignement = distance
Lorsque = when
Reseau = network
Eg. Le reseau de bus dessert toute la ville - the bus network serves the whole town
Endommage = damage
Lien = link/connection/relation
Eg il y a un lien direct entre l'offre et la demande - there is a direct relation btw supply and demand
Creer = create
Eg. J'ai cree un profil sur un nouvequ reseau social - i created a profile on a new social network
Forcement = inevitably/necessarily
Cursus = curriculum
Valorise = add value to
Se debrouiller = get by/manage
Soulage= relieved
Hyper = super
Epanouissant = fulfilling
Au prealable = beforehand
Se renseigner = find out, make enquiries
Se derouler = happen/take place
Decroche = pick up
Fastueux = sumptuous
Astucieux = clever
Malgre= inspite of
Enneigement = snowfall
Taux= rate
Eg: le taux de change fluctue de jour en jour
Taux de frequentation = participation rate
Randonnee = excursion/outing
Ajouter = add/append
Court = short/brief
Sejour = stay
Remplissage = filling
Proche = near/ close
De toute facon = anyway
Se douter= believe/expect
Revenir = return
Tyrolienne= zipwire
Vol plane = gliding ride
Jeter = throw
Atterrir = land
Demarrage = startup
Doux = soft/sweet
Vitesse = speed
Denivele = height difference
Surkiffant = exceptionally enjoyable (slang)

Thursday, December 28, 2017

learning French by podcast #191

Learn French by podcast

Discovered this awesome website and listened to a podcast about smartphones and their effects.

New vocabulary learnt
s'offir= to buy oneself
le bien-être = wellbeing
qu'est-ce que fait que= how come
inciter a = to enourage
l'utilisation excessive de=  the excessive use of
s'appunger sur = to rely on
les données = the data
sans equivoque= unequivocal
a l'aise = at ease
etat émotionnel = emotional state
to envisage= prevoir
detruire= to destroy
nuire a= to harn
se souvenir = to remember
echanger des texts = to exchange texts
il est fait reference = reference is made to

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Passe Compose

One of my favourite French Youtube channels! French with Pascal!

So basically after learning the passe compose, my conclusion is this
BASIC PRINCIPLE: Passe compose is SUBJECT (je/tu etc) + HELPING VERB (avoir or sometimes etre) + past participle

Step 1: You need to know
a) how to conjugate avoir
b) how to conjugate etre

Step  2: Decide whether to use avoir or etre - there is an ACRONYM called DR & MRS VANDERTRAMPP.
The verbs conjugated with etre are

  1. Devenir
  2. Revenir
  3. Monter
  4. Rentrer
  5. Sortir
  6. Venir
  7. Arriver
  8. Naitre
  9. Descendre
  10. Entrer
  11. Retourner
  12. Tomber
  13. Rester
  14. Aller
  15. Mourir
  16. Partir
  17. Passer
And also reflexive verbs e.g S'amuser, se battre (to fight), se lever (to get up), se demander (to wonder)

Step 3: Past participle
- if the verb ends in ~er e.g parle, travaille, aime -->  é 

- if the verb ends in ~ir e.g finir, choisir, reussi --> i
- if the verb ends in ~re --> u e.g vendre --> vendu 

e.g J'ai nager
Tu as grandi
Nous avons vendu 

Credits to all the sources plus this random ppt that helped greatly in helping me understand this!

 Passe Compose + Avoir
Passe Compose + Etre

Passe Compose exercises by Fluent U

Duolingo Loom Ladder

French Today

Passe Compose vs Imparfait
Lawless French:

Italki Lesson Logs

Had a really good first lesson with a second french teacher on italki! I mean, the teachers are all prepared. But she is SO prepared with a document all prettily color-coded and all! It was really good.

So words i learnt

  • du temps libre = free time
  • courir = to run
  • (passez une) bonne semaine = have a good week
  • c'etait la premiere fois = it was the first time 
  • jouer a + sport = i play x sport 
  • jouer de + instrument = i play x instrument
  • moi aussi = me too
  • toi aussi = you too
  • deja = already
  • quand j'etais jeune = when i was young(er)
  • se souvenir = to remember
  • se rappeler = to recall
  • souvent = often 
  • il y a une heure = one hour ago 

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Le Futur

Le Future (The simple future)

Endings are
~ ai, ~as, ~a, ~ons, ~ez, ~ont 

nager (to swim)
Je nagerai = I will swim 
Tu nageras = You will swim
Il/ Elle/ On nagera - He/ She/ One will swim
Nous nagerons = We will swim
Vous nagarez = You will swim
ils/ elles nageront = they will swim 

More examples 
Je ferai la vaisselle ce soir - I'll do the dishes tonight
Tu reussiras a l'examen si tu etudies - You'll pass the test if you study.

Le Future Proche

So how this blog begins is that I really wanted a place to record the new french grammar as I learn each grammar point.

Le Future Proche - the near future
ie i/you/he/ she/ they are going to do VERB
The main idea is pronoun + form of aller (to go) + infinitif

je vais chanter = I am going to sing
tu vas chanter = you are going to sing
il/ elle/ on va chanter = he/ she/ one is going to sing
nous allons chanter = we are going to sing
vous allez chanter = you are going to sing
ils/ elles vont chanter = they are going to sing

je vais nager = I am going to swim
tu vas nager = you are going to swim
nous allons nager = we are going to swim

more examples
Je vais etudier = I am going to study (haha yeah right)
Nous allons partir dans cinq minutes = We're going to leave in 5 minutes

Je ne vais pas nager = I am NOT going to swim

Useful links for learning le Future Proche (the near future)

bonjour a tous!

Bonjour a tous! J'apprends le francaise depuis deux mois. J'aime voyager et apprendre de nouvelles langues.

So I decided to make a blog solely dedicated to my French learning journey. I've been learning French for about... 2-3 months now?

Resources I am using include Duolingo, Italki (had my first online French lesson yesterday on how to differentiate masculine and feminine words!), Coffee Break French, Lawless French, and French Pod 101. At the point of this writing, I'm at level 8 of French on Duolingo and have learnt 732 words!

I'm also hoping to take DELF A1 or A2 sometime in Nov 2018.

In terms of actually USING the language, I hope to travel to Switzerland sometime next year so hopefully when I travel through the french speaking region I can at least order some coffee and crossaints!