Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Feb 2019 1st half new vocab!

J'ai appris - i learned (apprendre in passe compose)
Renseigner - to enquire
A cheval sur - to be a stickler for
Preuve - evidence
Jeu- game
Une riviere/un fleuve = a river
Tellement= so much
Grace a = thanks to
Grace a dieu = thank God
Grace a son intervention= thanks to his intervention
A cause de = its because of (negative or neutral connotation)
Jai vecu= i had
Mise a part = apart
Oeuvres= works
Aucune = any
Deprime = depressed
Collines= hills
Riant = laughing
Baignent = bathe
Mouton = sheep
Pratique = convenient
Cache- cache = hide and seek
Cachent = hide
Rassembler = to collect
Ensoleile = sunny
L'abri du soleil = cool off from the sun
Alentours = surroundings
Le bien commune = the common good
Detienne= to hold (from detenir)
La nouvelle legislation = the new law
Remportent = win
Je suis rassasie = i am full
Rassasier = to satisfy
Je n'en peux plus = i cant eat anymore/i cant take it anymore
Ventre/estomac = stomach
J'ai deja trop mange = ive already eaten too much
It fait doux dehors = it is warm/mild outside
Un deca = a decaffeinated coffee
Ca se voit = thats obvious
Je ne pourrai jamais boire de cafe a minit = i will never be able to drink coffee at midnight
Je ne pourrai jamais dormir= i will never be able to sleep
Se disputer = to argue
Arrete = stop
Eternue = sneezes
A traverse les ages= through the ages
Sous toutes ses formes= in all its shapes and forms
Histoire= story
A cheval sur = a stickler for
Faire le total =add up the total
Cerveau = brain
A repondu au telephone = answered the telephone
Demenager = to move
Ca m'est egal = its all the same to me/i dont care
Ne t'en fais pas= not to worry/dont worry
Ca vaut le coup = its worth it
Autour = around
Partout = all over
J'ai su plasir = i have fun
Decouvre= discover
Bruit = sound
Vague= waves
Chatouille = tickles
Endroit = place/location/ spot
Eg nous avons trouve un bel endroit ombrage pour notre pique-nique = we found a nice shady spot for our picnic
Ombrage = shady
J'aime lire dans un endroit calme = i like to read in a quiet place
Chouette= fun/neat/super
Sable = sand
Suivre = to follow
Eg mon chien me suit partout = my dog follows me everywhere
Coquille = shell
Parvenir = achieve/reach
Parvenir a = reach/attain sth
Flaque = puddle/pool
Laisser = leave/let/allow
Eg j'ai laisse un mot sur la table pour lui dire ou j'etais = i left a note on the table to tell him where i was
Rempli = filled/fulfilled
Hippocampes = seahorses
Oursin = sea urchin
Chateau de sable = sandcastle
La maree= the tide
Paraitre= to seem/ to appear
Foi = faith
Perroquet = parrot
Fil = wire
Facon = way
Eg facon de travailler = way of working
Il y a plusiere facons de faire fortune = there are several ways to make a fortune
Je te le promets = i promise you
Plus vite = faster
A l'etranger = abroad
Partir= start/depart
Requis = required/ compulsory
Suffisamment = sufficiently
Eloignement = distance
Lorsque = when
Reseau = network
Eg. Le reseau de bus dessert toute la ville - the bus network serves the whole town
Endommage = damage
Lien = link/connection/relation
Eg il y a un lien direct entre l'offre et la demande - there is a direct relation btw supply and demand
Creer = create
Eg. J'ai cree un profil sur un nouvequ reseau social - i created a profile on a new social network
Forcement = inevitably/necessarily
Cursus = curriculum
Valorise = add value to
Se debrouiller = get by/manage
Soulage= relieved
Hyper = super
Epanouissant = fulfilling
Au prealable = beforehand
Se renseigner = find out, make enquiries
Se derouler = happen/take place
Decroche = pick up
Fastueux = sumptuous
Astucieux = clever
Malgre= inspite of
Enneigement = snowfall
Taux= rate
Eg: le taux de change fluctue de jour en jour
Taux de frequentation = participation rate
Randonnee = excursion/outing
Ajouter = add/append
Court = short/brief
Sejour = stay
Remplissage = filling
Proche = near/ close
De toute facon = anyway
Se douter= believe/expect
Revenir = return
Tyrolienne= zipwire
Vol plane = gliding ride
Jeter = throw
Atterrir = land
Demarrage = startup
Doux = soft/sweet
Vitesse = speed
Denivele = height difference
Surkiffant = exceptionally enjoyable (slang)

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