Thursday, January 2, 2020

Sep to nov 19 new vocab

Le samu = paramedics
A repondu = responded
Tout de suite= right away
Obtenu= got/obtained
La greve= the strike
Pompiers= firefighters
Presses= in a rush
Tourne = turned
Tot= early
Pas du tout = not at all
Verifions = check
Pneus = tyres
Moteur = engine
Chimie = chemistry
A peur de = am scared of
Concu= designed
Attient= hit/reach
Rentreront = will go back
Remis= put back
ratee = ruined
Cafetiere= coffeemaker
Champignons= mushrooms
Dinde= turkey
Peau= skin
Allumon= are turning on/switch on
Allume= turn on
Toute seule = by yourself?
As besoin de = need
Four = oven
Faire le menage = clean
On doit = we have to
Tout neuf= brand new
Peindre = paint
Disponible = available
Tiroir= drawer
Le public= the audience
Est parti= has left
Scene = stage
Chefs table
Souvenir = remember
Je me souviens = i rmb
Siffler= whistle/hiss
Graisse= grease
Crepiter= crackle
Crepitement= crackling
Cahier= notebook
Quel plaisir! What a pleasure!
Pepiements d'oiseaux = birds chirping
Ramasser= pick/gather/collect
Egalement= also/equally/as well
Fraicheur = freshness
Navet= turnip
Frappant = striking
Racine = root
Soupir = sigh/breath/gasp
Dingue = crazy
Fou= crazy
Tresor = treasure
Rire= laugh
Potager= vegetable
Facon= way/method
Terroir= soil
Sableux = sandy soils
Argileux= clay
Parvenir = achieve
Positionner= put
Essayer = try
Recolter= harvest
Ciseler= chisel
Surtout = especially
Disponible = available
Journey to greenland
Regardez devant = look ahead
Empetrer = entangled
Paysage = landscape/scenery
Avouer = admit/confess
Reconnu (from reconnaitre) = recognize
Sejour = stay/vacation
Planquer= stash
Etonner = amazing
Soulager = relieve
Tire = pulls
Faineant = slacker
Renouer = reconnect
Propice = conducive
Assurance = insurance
Assouvir = satisfy
Nov 2019
Je voudrais un taxi
Embeter= annoy/bother/pester
Prochain= next
Commander= order
Chauffer= heat up
Colocataire= roommate
Range = tidies
Hier soir= last night
J'ai vu =i saw
Sentons= are feeling
Entendu= hear
Casse= break
Vole= stolen
Pleurer= to cry
Royaume-uni = uk
En haut = upstairs
Entends= hear
Doute= doubts
Appartiennent a = belong to
Randonnee = hiking
Batterie= drums
Atteindre= to reach
Toit= roof
Agir= to act/take action
Compter= count
Fiers de= proud of
Etre fier de = to be proud of
Fier de soi= to be proud of urself, smug

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